
ADHD is a common learning difficulty in children. Learning how to manage and live with children with such a condition is essential. Let’s find out more here.

In your daily engagements, you must have heard about learning disabilities and come across or interacted with someone, either a child or an adult, with such conditions. We can define a learning disability as a mental condition that hinders someone from acquiring the same amount of knowledge as their agemates. 

We will highlight the most common learning disabilities, focusing on attention difficulties or ADHD and the possible solutions.

Different types of learning disabilities may affect a child. The most common ones are;

  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Dyslexia
  • Dyscalculia
  • Dysgraphia
  • Dyspraxia

What is Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

ADHD gets diagnosed in childhood, but it can last into adulthood. ADHD children have trouble paying attention and controlling impulsive behaviors, and they may be overactive. Adults can also have problems with personal and work relationships.

Causes of ADHD 

The primary cause of ADHD is yet to get established. The following factors may be responsible for ADHD;

  • Premature birth
  • Exposure to lead metal ions during pregnancy or at a young age
  • Low birthweight
  • Drug and substance abuse during pregnancy
  • Injuries to the brain 

Signs and symptoms of ADHD in children

  • Trouble paying attention during play or other activities
  • Difficulty concentrating on tasks or while reading
  • Disorganization
  • Frequent daydreaming
  • Lack of focus when spoken to directly
  • Forgetfulness, losing things like toys, pencils, books, or tools needed for a task
  • Easily distracted by outside stimuli.

Types of ADHD

The type of ADHD depends on the dominant symptoms the person displays and can either be;

  • Predominantly Inattentive Presentation

 The individual finds it hard to organize or finish a given task, pay attention to details, follow instructions or conversations, get distracted easily, and forget pieces of daily routines.

  • Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Presentation

The individual fidgets and talks too much and finds it hard to sit still for long. The person is restless and may interrupt others by grabbing things from them. Individuals with this type of ADHD are prone to more accidents and injuries than others.

  • Combined Presentation

The person has similar symptoms to the above two ADHD types.

How to diagnose ADHD

The best and most recommended method of diagnosing ADHD is a medical examination that includes hearing and visual tests. Information on the child’s behavioral history is vital and may get accessed by the child, the parents, or teachers.

Treatment of ADHD

Behavior therapy and medication often go hand in hand when treating ADHD.

  • Medications

You can administer approved medicines by the relevant authorities to help treat or control ADHD. Both stimulants and non-stimulant drugs are necessary depending on ADHD, the child’s age, and the possible side effects.

  • Behavior therapy

Behavior management in young children below six is recommended before medication is opted for. The main objective of behavior therapy is to strengthen the children’s positive behaviors and, in the process, eliminate the weak behaviors.

Managing Children With ADHD

It’s essential to recognize that everybody learns differently. Don’t try to force your child to learn in a way they are uncomfortable with. The best you can do is adjust your expectations and tune your training to become more friendly to them.

Whether you’re an educator or part of a family dealing with this issue, it’s helpful to turn to specialists for help rather than trying to battle the disorder independently. 

There are experts that train teachers and parents on how to take care of and support children with ADHD. They will help you with various challenges, including how to respond to, react to, and interact with children with ADHD to accommodate all their needs. 

Specialists have vast experience coaching parents and teachers on the best ways to handle children with various learning disabilities, including ADHD. Reach out for help today, and give your child an equal opportunity.

Frequently Asked Questions

ADHD is an actual condition that affects many people. It interferes with their ability to function well in school, home, and work. Although you cannot cure it, its symptoms can be successfully treated and managed.

ADHD can be diagnosed at any age. Despite this, it can take a long time for parents and teachers to recognize the signs since children with ADHD are often mistaken for being hyperactive or learning differences. For this reason, doctors recommend that parents and teachers be keenly aware of the symptoms and be mindful of them in children over the age of 3.

The symptoms of ADHD can be similar to other conditions, so it’s essential to get an accurate diagnosis from a trained professional, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist.

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