
Have you tried all possible means to improve your child’s focus with no success? Find a list below of the best practices to improve your child’s focus.

Just like a muscle, concentration in children requires regular exercise to make it stronger. While some kids are practically stronger in this area than others, the right strategies will help improve the focus of your child.   A child will quickly get bored when given a task with no fun activity. 

Techniques that Help Improve Concentration in Children

Practice Mindfulness:

Mindfulness is widely used in schools around the world. It is proven that mindfulness can help increase focus and reduce stress levels. 

Mindfulness is being aware of each moment that passes, while being fully present of our thoughts, feelings, physical sensations, and surrounding environment.

Studies have shown an increase in the density of brain’s areas responsible for learning and memory  after eight weeks of practicing mindfulness. 

Play focus games and exercises to build attention

Children learn so much from fun and games. Incorporate ideas into their games to increase the fun bit and grow their focus. Ensure that gadgets such as phones and computers are kept away from the children.

Having toys to play with and other fun activities will greatly improve their concentration. Studies confirm that gadgets are the main cause of children’s reduced concentration and memory power.

Prepare a distraction-free environment.

While some children prefer to have their activities in a soothing environment, others will want one filled with noise and hassle. 

The first step is to understand what environment your child thrives best. Once you have a grasp of your child’s environment, you are already on your way to improving their concentration levels. 

Feed your child healthy foods 

Eating healthy foods is directly linked to how well your child’s concentration is. Junk food and foods with too much sugar lowers concentration levels and make your child sluggish. Increase protein-rich foods like almonds, eggs, and lean meat to see a change in your child’s focus and concentration. 

Fix a routine to follow for better concentration

Having a schedule for your child is essential. It helps with time management and programs your child’s mind to know when they should be handling their assignment. 

Your child’s focus level begins to take an upward trajectory with such management.  A routine for your child wires their mind and helps them know when to do some important tasks. 

Observe your child

It will take some observing of your child’s behavior to understand their concentration levels. The observation will help you know what to incorporate into your child’s schedule to see an improvement in their focus. 


Like any life skill, you can also improve your child’s concentration levels. You can make the process automatic to give easy adaptability to your children. The trick to seeing great results is to be consistent at every practice. 

However, there’s always more than meets the eye and you may need the assistance of a professional. Lina Bayazid is a renowned author and coach that has helped many parents like you in raising their children. Lina teaches parents and teachers on the best practices for improving a child’s concentration.

Furthermore, having spent over a decade understanding matters regarding children with learning disabilities, Lina emphasizes on the need to seek help from an expert such as a school counselor or psychologist for any signs of learning disabilities. 

If your child tends to lose focus and concentration, reach out to Lina today, and discover the best things to do.

Frequently Asked Questions

Having no routine and lack of good sleep are the major causes of poor concentration in children. Consider coming up with a schedule your child can adhere to daily.

There are several factors that can develop your child’s focus. Shifting from a poor to a healthy diet is the key factor to seeing an improvement. Remove junk food and implement healthier foods so that your child’s mind can gain more balance.

Show fun moments, let your child sleep enough, and eliminate all distractions. The use of technological gadgets slows down your child’s development. Try avoiding too much of its use. Start by implementing one at a time in your child’s schedule and incorporate the rest as the child gets better at focusing.

The best children’s concentration exercises are those able to completely grab their attention. A good example is introducing your child to puzzle games. The More focused your child gets while sorting the puzzle, the greater their concentration gets.

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