Do you have a school-going child? When nurturing them through their learning journey, do you know what your role is? Lina Bayazid has the answers you need.

As a parent, you are your child’s first teacher. Your home is your child’s first classroom. Even though your child may grow up and meet teachers and other children at school, whatever you do to nurture them as a parent has a significant impact on their learning journey. 

As key resources for learning and growth, parents can shape a child’s development in all the key aspects, including their social, emotional, and physical development. This is a crucial phase for your child as it has everything to do with assisting in their progression in school and beyond.

Supporting your child’s success doesn’t just end with taking them to a good school. In fact, that’s just a small part of it. 

As a parent, you still have a lot to do to ensure that you support your child’s growth and help them excel in their studies. 

Why it’s never that easy

Your children will copy almost everything from you. They will get all their biggest lessons from you. If you can learn how to support them to  develop 21st century skills, they will learn how to succeed in life, not only in school. they are much more likely to excel in their studies. 

You’ll notice that children whose parents support them the right way tend to do better in their exams and get along much better with other children and teachers in school. But doing all that needs knowledge, guidance and consciousness.

You may not have the right skills to support your child in their learning journey. Furthermore, you may get that your methods aren’t simply bearing any fruit. In a nutshell, it’s never really easy dealing with young ones. This is why you will need the assistance of a skilled professional. 

How Lina Bayazid helps parents nurture their children through school

If you want the best for your child, you’ll be sure to use only the best methods to assist them in their learning development. However, are you following the right techniques when helping your child? 

Also, are you following certain techniques but are not yielding any results? 

Moreover, is your child underperforming in school? Do you need the right skills to assist them in becoming better? 

With vast experience as a consultant in the education sector, Lina Bayazid has assisted countless parents in equipping them with the right skills to assist their children in becoming better at school. 

Although teachers are trained to instill the knowledge in your children, what you do as a parent is crucial to ensure that the knowledge they receive is fully understood. Furthermore, there’s more that you can do to be a part of your child’s mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical development. 

Become a better parent today

You may be doing a great job at taking care of your child. However, a professional can help you become an even better parent by teaching you how to:

  • Set up a daily family routine to assist with your child’s development.
  • Set up a proper place at home for learning.
  • Check on assignments, homework, and projects.
  • Talk to your child each day about their progress and activities at school.
  • Promote literacy by reading to and with your child.
  • Limit and monitor TV, phone, social media, and gaming time.
  • Express high expectations from your child’s learning.
  • Collaborate and cooperate with your child’s teachers.
  • Participate in decisions that impact your child’s education.

Although you may have an idea of how to do this, you will need the assistance of an expert to assist you to achieve the desired goals. 

Talk to Lina Bayazid today, and set your child on a path towards or to discover their abilities.